Media Paper 1 learner response

 1) Type up your feedback in full (you do not need to write mark/grade if you do not wish to).

WWW: Good attempt at unseen product analysis. Also some knowledge of historical + social contexts displayed for Q2

EBI: Not enough detail for ideology Q or film industry Q. See indicative content to see how you could develop your responses.

2) Read the mark scheme for this exam carefully, paying particular attention to the 'indicative content' for each question. This is some of the best analysis you can do as it gives you an idea of what the exam board is expecting. For your LR blogpost, identify ONE point you could have added for the first three questions in Section A:

Q1 (unseen text) additional point/theory: 

  • The background to the image makes clear link to Switzerland which carries a longstanding reputation for high-quality watches and clocks. The lake and mountain setting adds to the sense of class, wealth and success the model offers as it looks an exclusive and luxurious destination.

Q2 (unseen text and CSP) additional point/theory/CSP reference: 

  • Emphasis on youth (“Now is a good time for your first Swiss Watch”) and mise-en-scene of model perhaps shows an evolution in masculinity with more casual formal attire (suit but no tie, open-necked shirt) plus the sunglasses and facial hair. As Gauntlett says, masculinity is evolving rather than in crisis.

Q3 (music video) additional point/theory/CSP reference:

  • The ‘Official Movie’ references the controversy regarding the song being removed from the country chart for not being country enough. In the opening scene, the Billy Ray Cyrus character says: “Don’t worry, you’re with me now.”

3) Now focus on Section B. Section B began with two questions testing your knowledge of industry terminology. Make sure you know the answers to these (get the answers from the mark scheme if you have to):

Benefits of vertical integration: 

  • Greater control of the production process + Lower costs and higher profits

Definition and benefits of diversification:

  • Diversification is when a media company branches out into a different area of the media industries. For example, many media companies have had to diversify to internet-driven distribution (e.g. streaming) as a result of new and digital media. For example, in the film and TV industries major companies such as Disney have diversified into streaming to remain market leaders (Disney+) and prevent newer companies such as Netflix overtaking their market share.

4) The Section B CSP focus was on Blinded By The Light. The impact of new technology on distribution was a weaker area in most answers. Pick out three points from the mark scheme that you could have included in your answer here.

  • New technology has reduced the costs of film production, distribution and marketing due to the rise in digital editing, YouTube and social media.
  • Video sharing sites like YouTube allow filmmakers to find an audience without needing major industry figures or institutional support.
  • New streaming sites such as Netflix and Amazon Prime are increasingly influential players in the film industry despite their relative youth compared to giants of the entertainment industry such as Disney.

5) Finally, identify three things you plan to revise before your next Media assessment or mock exam (e.g. terminology, particular theories or CSPs etc.) 

  1. Subject terminology
  2. Blinded by the light
  3. Writing speed


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